WHO AM I ? - WHO ARE YOU ? Who are WE ?


Dear One....

For all the clarity.

I want to share how I see and experience the world based on my own experiences and believes

Based on precious ancient knowledge.

I am sharing my reality, never want to force my reality on someone.

So the way I speak, share and see the world is my way of feeling/seeing/smelling/hearing the world.


Aviana is the name that I gave to myself.

The renewed ME who broke FREE from believe systems and behavior that was holding me down and this process is still flowing.

I am a STRONG believer of creating your own world, your own reality.

This became so clear to me after watching “HUMAN” The Movie -

A documentary I really suggest to watch - There are 3 parts.

If we break free from our conditioned mind that is been created by society, culture, family and friends... We truly discover who we are and how we can create our own world, manifest everything we want.

When we enter this world as a innocent baby, we are so vulnerable and we are open to being programmed in whatever way.

Good and Bad - Positive and Negative-

We absorb and believe what we see, what our surroundings presenting us and learn it as the truth.

To feel the freedom that we actually all have and deserve.

To create whatever our hearts are really longing for is a powerfull thing !

And will lead to true happiness in my believes and experience.

The name Aviana helped me to break FREE, it gave me the freedom to grow towards the person who is truly me, creating my own identity.

Unique & Authentic like everyone is...

Will always be in a journey of self exploration, personal growth and discovering hidden parts of myself and the world.

My inner & outer world.

Life itself is continuously moving and grooving.

I cherish a strong feeling to grow as a person and together as a Human species/race.

Life is full of hidden treasures  but are you willing to go on adventure ?

To explore the world inside and outside yourself ?


I’ve been born and raised in the Netherlands.

Didn’t grew up with a specific religion or culture.

I am very grateful for this because this gave me more freedom and space to grow towards my own believes and create my reality.

I never felt a strong feeling of belonging to a culture, race or country.

Althoo I have a strong calling to be in Spain, South-America and Asia.

As far as I experience life... I belong to the whole world.

Still I needed to break free of many chains and I am still confronting myself with my fears so I can grow.

Jumping out of my comfortzone, I have nothing to lose.

That’s why I feel sharing my hidden parts with YOU aswell, with the world.

Letting go of the destructive part of the EGO.

EGO means - The feeling of self - It’s healthy to have in a way that it’s not becoming self destructive.

But what I saw and found in myself, it was definitely self destructive and this reflection is what I see a lot in the world aswell.

Breaking old patterns, patterns that are inside of us from our parents and so on....

Being given to us true DNA, without asking, DNA... they said that was permanently, is now known as rewritable.

We have the power to chance our DNA !  That means we have to power to break FREE form whatever is holding us down and create our own world.

Fear is NOT a part of who we truly are.

I experience it as as sign, a sign that needs attention so we can learn and grow.


Since I can remember I am dealing with a itchy skin.

This condition controlled my life in intense ways and started when I was +-2 years.

I can honestly say that I am dealing with a big sleep deprivation.

Scratching myself open until it bleeds was and sometimes still is a daily/nightly ritual.

It controls me in many ways and the proces is still going.

All part of my transformation proces.

It inspired me in this life time to go to the ROOT of this condition instead of suppressing the symptoms with western medicine.

All these years I encountered so many healing techniques and so open to discover more.

Holistic healing,  healing techniques that existing for thousands of years already, far before western medicine industry came to life, I have such a interest and passion for.

I am struggling with a unhealthy food behaviour.

This manifest itself in eating while I am not hungry and eating food that I know and feel that is NOT good for me.

If I look at modern society...Many of us having a unhealthy relationship with food and we are being manipulated and made sick for financial profits.


It’s really important that we realize that we all have the POWER TO HEAL & TRANSFOTM INSIDE of us.

This a a journey that’s fascinating me so deeply -

We need to learn how to listen to our body again.

After all, I see life here on earth as a physical experience.

And there is so much wisdom in the world that shows how important it actually is to stay rooted and connected with your body.

Learn to connect to our body again.


Can prevent so much sickness.

Learn to trust ourselfs again instead of giving all our trust away to doctors.

Expand yourself in a world where the mind NOT rules.


In this NEWAGE of life, there is much knowledge, experience and stories from people that confirms that sickness is more than only a physical expression.

There is a deeper meaning why people get sick in the first place.

What is life trying to say ? 

Body - Mind - Spirit is connected and we cary everything inside of us from our parents and our grandparents and so on.... Like I said before but I feel the need to repeat.

External conditions aswell  the internal ones are contributing to our health.

I encountered many people who shared there incredible healing story with me.

So it can open gateways of new possibilities of you making steps towards personal growth. 

New way of thinking and believing.

We need to learn to look behind the curtains instead of accepting everything immediately as the truth.

Because everything is possible !

Like I said before the pharmaceutical industry is making tons of money on sick people

People who are not in balance.

And I am pretty sure that the creators of this industry have no interest to chanche this.

I strongly stand for that every sickness can be cured if someone is really willing to do everything to transform/heal on a physical, emotional and spiritual level.

I feel called to guide people in their journey so they can reconnect with themselfs (internal world) and because of this the connection with the external world, nature and all will be stronger and deeper aswell.


My journey of evolvement is shared on my Youtube Channel, so we can inspire and help each-other out.

We are not alone in this insane but miraculous world.

I want to live and experience life true the deepest core of creation.

True all my senses.

Life is so much more than a MIND-GAME.

And we all crave deeply to be loved and be happy.

Getting rid of the judgy mind can give you peace, freedom and joy.


I've been born in and with a body of a women but a long the way I experienced that is only a physical experience.

Behind this physical layer I feel the energy of the masculine within aswell.

Not so strange looking at the fact that it takes a man and a women to create new life in our human existence.


I strongly believe and feel that “NOW” is the time to UNITE as humanity.

Many beautiful things are happening in this amazing world aswell as many dark and negative things.

Aspects of the light and the dark, yin yang, heaven and hell, femenine and the masculine or whatever label you want attach to it.


Our true potential and life force energy is “LOVE”.

And from this frequency - Our seksual energy is created

A principal that is being said in many religions but most of the time hard to find in reality.

LOVE... The fuel for our total Being.

Seksual energy can be used for Creations and Creativity.

Creativity is our HUMAN POWER !

Everyone is creative and creativity gives you the ability to express what you feel and that is so important to feel wholesome.


The first feeling we experience when we enter this world - “LOVE”

Everyone creates a different conditioned meaning for “LOVE”

Often we get brainwashed that LOVE is something you seek outside yourself...

And many times we get unconsciously programmed that Love should hurt.

But in my vision, LOVE is the secret doorway inside of ourself.

That connects us to our true nature, our surroundings and all there is.

A feeling of being whole and free.

This deep feeling of LOVE I discovered a long the cosmic way.

I grew up with a abundance of material things around , enough food, warm bed and shower.

The freedom of playing outside in a save neighborhood.

And born as a free women in this world, because I strongly realize that in many parts of the world the women rights are sick-making.

The emotional and seksual aspects of life I had to discover myself.

So after many heartbreaks, chapters of feeling freaking unhappy/miserable, experiences with plant medicine, like the mushrooms, I choose for my own happiness and freedom.

By listening to what my heart’s really want’s and truly needs to feel whole and free. And this was and still is not always a easy thing to do but is definitely the key to be Happy, Whole and Free for me.


We are carrying a deep power within.

So if we unite as a humanity we are such a STRONG force.

Our future, the future of our world and children lays in our hands.

A New-Earth - This should be a Healthy birthing place for our future children.


My Fascinations and Passions


I stand for The POWER of Evolution true Movement and Vibrations.

In the beginning 0f 2020 I finished a Yoga Teacher training Trauma Sensitive in Thailand - Koh Phangan.

I have a big passion for Dancing, I suppressed this for many years.

Music makes my spirit dance and my body wants to follow.


Powerfull FORCE - Because Selfexpression is uniting us with all there is.

There is no thinking involved.

Integrate YOGA into my daily life and it helped me so much to become a happier and healthier person.

Because you simply learn to reconnected with your body.

Your body holds much information and stored emotions.

The body that is being ignored by the mind and the destructive society.

I released much pain and trauma because of YOGA.


In many books they share the link between our seksual center, where the stream of creativity flow out from and where our inner child is seated.

Sexuality fascinates me deeply.

When we learn to embrace our sexuality.

We learn to embrace our true power.

Sexuality is OUR true power.

The porn industry knows this BIG time and in religions and society it’s most of the time suppressed instead of teached.

Seksuality can control people deeply, sounds pretty logical if that is our power of creation.

There are many realms inside of our existence inside our body, mind and spirit.

Realms that yet needs to be discovered.

And I have such a strong motivation inside of me to do this in this life window.



A few years a go I opened a door and chapter(s) towards the world of BDSM.

These chapters are a big part of why I am so inspired about seksuality.

To experience the world of BDSM showed me how many people are feeling lost and how powerful seksuality actually is.


I had and have the privilege to connect openly from heart to heart with people.

Listening to peoples deepest and darkest secrets.

Without any judgements.

Seeing the person behind the masks.

I saw many connexions within people, meanwhile connecting the dots....

It inspired me deeply to transform this interest in different ways.



After a few women circles I realized how many of us having deep seksual trauma’s. Women and MEN !

A lot of trauma’s are being stored in seksuality and is being manifested in many unthinkable ways.

This was and is a big inspiration for me to walk the path of guiding people who experienced a trauma. 

We are deeply driven by our seksual energy.

When our seksual energy - life force energy is out of balance it can transform in destructive behaviour.

I saw and received many interconnected insights around this subject. 

The most interesting thing is for me...

That the subject "Seksuality" is a unspoken world in many HealthCare institutions even tho humans are strongly driven by it. 

And in my believes the cause of many imbalances. 


The world of BDSM healed a lot of my own insecurities and wounds. I learned to embrace my Feminine side and let the internal Men and Women Unite more in harmony.

This journey is still flowing and growing.

I created a world in the bdsm where I am unreachable in a physical way, so NO seksual coitus/intercourse is involved.

I learned a long my life that seksuality is something sacred and carries so much healing force and power !

To entangle your body with someone is much more than just a physical exchange.

Looking at the miraculous phenomena called “Orgasm” .

Time and Space are dissolving and the mind/ego completely surrenders.

This is a state of Joy and Bliss.

In this state a new human being can be created, this state is OUR natural birth right !


Big LOVE for “Plant Medicine”

Nature is calling me.

We ARE Nature, and we can't live without. 

The Mushrooms comes on my path in many different ways so I feel a strong calling to this plant medicine.

Sharing those transformational fruits with the world.

Exploring the world of plant medicine step by step.

It’s even written in the Bible “Herbs are there for the healing of the Nations”.

Old Testaments are holding a lot of wisdom but a lot of time misinterpreted by the human race.

Bend in self destructive ways.

Bend in ways to let people follow and obey.

To gain power and control.

A story that lives for many decades.


We have to learn to be “human” first !

And in my believes learn to "BE" more instead of "DO" more.

If we want to live a joyfull and healthy life and want to keep the HUMAN RACE A LIFE ! This time ;)

A person who grows up with self-love  will learn to understand their emotions and feelings.


This will lead to a healthy realtionship with yourself ;) your surroundings and everything that lives.