Life itself is a journey whether you actually travel physically or not.
During the journey, our body as a vehicle, we often(rushed) in search of....
Looking for something...Chasing the future... and often outside ourselves.
Whether it is about Happiness or Love ...
Balancing through life and the wonderful gifts that it can give.
Looking outside yourself for fulfillment, your happiness, love ...
Is a way that it can always be taken away.
The journey to find it in yourself is in my beliefs an incredible way that everyone can give a harmonious and fulfilled life.
Gradually I have discovered that there is so much wonderful & wise knowledge in this world outside the textbooks that we get indoctrinated at school as "The Truth".
Knowledge that can teach us to understand yourself as a person and how you can deal with your own "I", so that you can grow to the "Best version of yourself".
Wisdom that will show you a way to understand our way of "Being".
Getting to know / study myself is my biggest mission (Personal Development)
We appoint "People" as one of the most intelligent creatures here on earth ...
But how rich in intelligence are you really if you do not understand your own body, can deal with emotions and feelings?
And get to know your real power that lies in every person?
Becoming aware of knowledge can lead to becoming aware through knowledge.
We as humans are in a journey called evolution.
We evolve as a human being in many areas.
Which gives you new perspectives to view and understand life and yourself. 
Awareness expansion, the awareness process
Man has a consciousness of the mind that makes us realize that we exist and ask us about the meaning of existence.
As EINSTEIN stated ...
Man experiences himself, his thoughts and his feelings as separate from the surrounding world, a separation that does not really exist, but becomes reality through the experience.
It is our limited consciousness, says Einstein and I , that keeps us trapped in a too cramped world.
Change of thinking and being is nessecary to survive as humanity.
A way of thinking that is called non-dualistic.
The self and the other, the self and the rest of the world are not separated.
So focusing your attention on yourself will initiate the process of personal development and make you grow as a person.
On the way, I have felt that there is only one truth for me and that is "Love" in its purest form.
Love for everything that lives and surrounds us. 
Nature can easily excist without US.
But can we excist without nature? NO
You receive what you give and you give what you receive.
Interaction of energy, Circle of Life.
If you immerse yourself in the mystery of human existence and life.
You discover that centuries ago there was already golden knowledge to uplift mankind.
You will discover that everyone has the strength to create his / her own reality. Have the courage and strength to organize your own life in a way that makes YOU happy.
If you feel alone on this beautiful magical mysterious globe?
Then remember ... Seperation is the biggest illusion of the EYE.
Scientifically, so much has been proven that everything is connected to each other.
We are never alone, feeling alone, loneliness is a state of mind from which we can break free.
Freedom STARTS in the MIND, It's a mindset / state.
Physically we can be alone, but energetically everything and everyone is connected.
"Gaia Hypothesis"
The earth is a living system that we are now part of.
I strive for awareness of our humanity so that we learn to live in harmony with ourselves and consequently with earth.
So that humanity will not be swept away again.
Life.... one major holistic process, filled with infinite other holistic processes.
In the age of the WWW, we have the ability to connect with eachother all over the world.
WWW can be a powerful tool.
Because Love is my fuel, this is my intention: Unite, Share & Heal
So that everyone can grow individually but at the same time TOGETHER to a healthy and harmonious world.
Internally and Externally.
Experience life trough the deepest core of creation.