MenstrualCUP – EveCup – Super Natural

A natural and responsible way to nurture yourself in your monthly cycle/Moon-Cycle.
Be conscious of what you put into your precious body !
Support the Natural flow of your Body
Love your Body & Cycle
Beautiful Wo-men - Learn the secrets of your body – The Female Body

The Eve cup is a amazing way that I use during mine Moon Cycle to nurture and honor my body.
The Eve Cup is eco-friendly, effective and economical. Many women using this product and that makes me happy !
It’s NOT just a simple alternative – It’s a way to become more connected with yourself.
Creating a deeper connecting with your body and intuition.

The menstrual cup produces less waste and supports the natural process of the female body. The cup goes with many brands.
This is the brand that crossed my path.
Produced by Nalaya, a beloved sister that I will meet in person one day !
The EveCup is recommended to me by a brother !
How awesome is that !?

I named my monthly cycle “Moon Cycle”.
A name well know among many women who are in contact with their body and follow their natural rhythm.
This name is used because the monthly cycle of a women is connected with the cycle of the moon, it follows the same flow and rhythm if you tune into the cyles of the moon and the the cycles of Nature.

In the Video I will share more about my personal use and experience.
I will share with my whole heart knowledge about the Powerful and Magical cycle of a women.
The Cycle that I recently started to embrace, honor and really experience.

•    No chemicals
•    Less waste
•    Cheaper
•    Sustainable/Durable
•    Healthier
•    Collecting blood for personal use – Menstruation Blood is very powerful and NOT a waste product
•    Creating a deeper connection with your body and monthly cycle
•    Becoming more conscious of the planet and your body

The cycles of a Women was in Ancient Times already a sacred happening.
In this phase women’s are more sensitive and intuitive.
Personally, I never learned how beautiful and precious the cycle is, recently I became aware of this.
I deeply wish to share this with the world !
Many women experience this as a burden – Hopefully I can contribute a little to chance this perspective and experience.
Because it’s a amazing process, that can bring you a lot of rest, liberation and harmony.
Learning to put your focus more inwards in  your cycle, will reveal many secrets inside of yourself.
Learning to embrace your internal cycle so you can learn to live with your natural rhythm.

Eco friendly

Eve Cup is a silicone menstrual cup, made to make your time of the month / month finer and safer.
On average, a woman uses 11,500 tampons and other hygiene products in her life. Can you imagine the quantity worldwide? All this waste often ends in nature.
The Eve Cup therefore contributes to a cleaner earth, 1 Eve Cup can be used for years.


Regardless of your flow - whether long, short, heavy or light - you only need one Eve Cup that will last for years. Due to the durability of the high-quality silicone you save money.
Imagine how much you spend each month buying tampons.
The cost of the Eve Cup is the equivalent of three months of tampons. The difference is that you can use the Eve Cup for up to ten years. In addition, the Eve Cup collects three times the amount of menstrual fluids than the largest available tampon. This ensures long-term protection, even on very heavy days.
The silicones used for the Eve Cup are hypoallergenic and are therefore suitable for even the most sensitive women. The Eve Cup can easily be worn while traveling, swimming, exercising and sleeping. Because it collects the blood and does not absorb it, the natural pH in the vagina is retained.
By using the Eve Cup, you come (deeper) in contact with your body. This intimate care helps you to develop a healthy relationship with your flow. Menstruation is something that should be embraced and not suppressed from being ignored.
Your body requires extra love and attention during this period.

Being empowered means that you have the courage to act, do or think in a way that makes you feel comfortable with. Believing in yourself, that's where your strength comes from.
Being empowered is getting to know yourself, following the inner tribe.


The Eve Cup is made of medical silicone; it is latex-free and contains no toxins from bleaching agents. This makes the Eve Cup one of the safest menstrual products available.
Tampons are usually made from synthetic fibers that process many chemical processes to become white and compact. The absorbent function of tampons can cause dryness and irritation. In addition, the chemicals in the tampon will be absorbed into the bloodstream. Some women experience cramps during menstruation, others experience Candida from very rare cases of "Toxic Shock Syndrome".
A tampon can disrupt the natural flora of the vagina. Because the tampon is in direct contact with the uterus wall.
The Eve Cup does not have this.
Always ensure personal hygiene during your period, this eliminates all chances of infection. The menstrual cup has never been associated with toxic shock syndrome since the invention in 1930.